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STEM – Primary and Secondary School Day Visits

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Primary pupils are charged £5.50 per pupil per day, Secondary Pupils can attend day workshops free of charge

Group Size

Primary groups of up to 32 pupils are welcome, and require a pupil to teacher ratio of 10:1. Secondary groups of up to 20 pupils are welcome, and require a pupil to teacher ratio of 20:1.


The majority of our day workshops run from 10:30am to 2pm, with arrival from 10am

Learners taking part in the STEM programme at Dumfries House will take part in a half or full day workshop designed to support them on their journey towards STEM careers and skills

We have a range of STEM day workshops available for primary and early secondary learners. Our day programmes are based around one of our key STEM themes: Aerospace, Green Energy, Environmental Science, Sustainable Design, OR could be linked to one of The King’s Foundation other curriculum areas as one of our Harmony programmes. All of our programmes are linked to the Curriculum For Excellence, Learning for Sustainability and learning in Harmony with nature.

Example workshops

Weather Watchers: (P1-4) Pupils will explore the importance of the wind in determining our weather here in Scotland. They will learn to use common tools to measure the wind, that they can replicate back at school to become citizen scientists.

Creative Circuits: (P5-7) Learners will learn how to read circuit diagrams and build various circuits to practice what they have learned. The workshop will culminate in them designing their own circuit and building it to make and take home a light up greetings card.

Inspection and Repair: (S1-3) Learners will be given a navigation challenge, using remote controlled cars, mirroring the skills and knowledge needed in the air traffic control industry. They will quickly discover that the cars do not work and will have to switch into exploring aerospace manufacture and repair skills and jobs. They will learn to solder and carry out basic electrical repairs to get their cars working again.

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